Friday, January 31, 2014

Keeping In Shape Out Of the Saddle

In my search to find a barn to start riding at in price range, I've been searching for ways to practice balance and get fit for the saddle, without being in the saddle!

The search to be in shape, I feel, is something almost all of us have faced at one point in time, if not more. For me, I am currently weighing in at 175lbs, and hoping to get down to 140lbs at 5"7 by the time I am competitively riding in Endurance. While I am sure conditioning miles will help with this and it is about 2 years away, there is no reason to wait to start getting in shape, and my hearth can only thank me for it!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Looking For A Trainer

The world of horse back riding is an expensive passion. As a college student, I haven't had the largest of incomes, and as an aspiring equestrian, my budget has begun to look like this:
Pay Bills.
Pay Gas. 
Pay $45-$60 a week on lessons.
Pay for gas to lessons.
Have money left over for Mac n cheese.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Diary Of An Endurance Rider!

Well, not quite an Endurance Rider yet!

Hello! My name is Aubrey Hoffman. I am a 20 year old nursing student in South Florida with a passion for horses, especially Arabians. I began my horseback riding journey about two years ago, taking lessons in Working Cow Horse, Western Pleasure, Paso Fino, and even a few H/J. Despite it all, I've realized Endurance riding is where my journey will take me.